Sunday, August 3, 2008


Today we head to the olympic village, we will call that home till aug 25..I hope the beds are comfortable. We are so excited to get there...I decided we should look like a team, not such any team, but a very dominant looking team..we will post pictures later of our team outfit as we head into the olympic village where over 10,000 athletes will be housed and fed till closing ceremonies....
I will tell you all about the village later today or tomorrow..
On another note, we played the netherlands in two "official games" and dominated the first one, the second one saw, a less dominant game by us but still a good game..Im not sure what the final score ended from the second game but we definitely won the first game..Today is a gloomy day in China but we are hoping we can see some rays of light as we head to the village later...
oh and if you dont read my teammates Petie's a comment and she will send you a postcard from the olympic village....go here.
go team USA!!!

1 comment:

Yoshijiro said...

Hello,how are you, greetings from Tecalitlan. It's an honor for us, tecalitlenses, que tu estes en unas olimpiadas. I wish you todo lo mejor, la gold medal. I'll keep reading all your posts. Animo, hay que ganar !!